Mobilità sostenibile nell’Espace Mont-BlancMobilité durable dans l’Espace Mont Blanc

Programme 2007 - 2013 Italy - France ALCOTRA (IT-FR)
Date of latest update: 2023-03-27


Description (IT): Il progetto punta a promuovere la mobilità transfrontaliera di prossimità e lo sviluppo sostenibile in materia di trasporti mediante il rafforzamento delle linee di trasporto pubblico e la condivisione di strumenti di pianificazione, gestione e promozione.

Partners (6)

Lead Partner: Région Autonome Vallée d’Aoste

Address: Località Grand Chemin 34, 11100 Saint Christophe, Italy

Legal status: n/a

Commune de Chamonix Mont Blanc

Name: Commune de Chamonix Mont Blanc

Address: Hôtel de Ville, 74400 Chamonix, France

Legal status: n/a

Commune de Vallorcine

Name: Commune de Vallorcine

Address: Mairie, 74660 Vallorcine, France

Legal status: n/a

Syndicat mixte Pays du Mont-Blanc

Name: Syndicat mixte Pays du Mont-Blanc

Address: 648 chemin des Prés Caton, 74190 Passy Chedde, France

Legal status: n/a

Communauté de communes de la Vallée de Chamonix

Name: Communauté de communes de la Vallée de Chamonix

Address: 15 place de la Mairie, 74310 Les Houches, France

Legal status: n/a

Etat du Valais

Name: Etat du Valais

Address: Rue des Cèdres 11, 1950 Sion , Switzerland

Legal status: n/a

Partners map

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (FR): Mobilità sostenibile nell’Espace Mont-BlancMobilité durable dans l’Espace Mont Blanc
Project name (IT): Mobilità sostenibile nell’Espace Mont-Blanc

Project acronym: Mobilità sostenibile nell’Espace Mont-BlancMobilité durable dans l’Espace Mont Blanc

Project start date: 2010-01-01

Project end date: 2012-12-31

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 326 020.00

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 110 000.00

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2007 - 2013 Italy - France ALCOTRA (IT-FR)

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

197 / 197 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

846 / 846 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme and collected from programme website