Development of the ecological network of wet habitats in the Austro-Hungarian border region

Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Austria - Hungary
Date of latest update: 2022-09-23


Description (EN): Read more
Description (DE): Read more
Description (HU): Read more
Expected Results (DE): RI22 Erhaltungszustand A (von allen Lebensraumtypen in den Natura 2000-Gebieten der Programmregion)
Expected Results (HU): RI22 Erhaltungszustand A (von allen Lebensraumtypen in den Natura 2000-Gebieten der Programmregion)
Expected Outputs (DE): Die koordinierten Naturschutzforschungsaktivitäten, die Managementvorschläge und Maßnahmenpläne werden als Basis für das grenzüberschreitende Management der Natura 2000 Feuchtgebiete dienen, und damit zur Stabilisierung, Verbesserung deren Erhaltungsgrade.
Expected Outputs (HU): Az összehangolt természetvédelmi kutatások, a kezelési javaslatok és intézkedési tervek megalapozzák a határrégió Natura 2000 vizes élőhelyeinek határon átnyúló kezelését, hozzájárulva természetvédelmi besorolásuk stabilizálásához, javításához.

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Improving the ecological stability and resilience of landscape and ecosystems
Thematic Objective: (06) preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency by:
Investment Priority: (06d) Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure

Partners (4)

Lead Partner: Őrségi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság

Address: Siskaszer 26/A., 9941 Őriszentpéter, Hungary

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 346 286.20

ERDF budget: EUR 294 343.27

Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság

Name: Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság

Address: Rév-Kócsagvár, 9435 Sarród, Hungary

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 340 496.00

ERDF budget: EUR 289 421.60

Naturschutzbund Österreich, Landesgruppe Steiermark

Name: Naturschutzbund Österreich, Landesgruppe Steiermark

Address: Herdergasse 3, 8010 Graz, Austria

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 107 393.10

ERDF budget: EUR 91 284.14

Land Burgenland - Abteilung 4-III, (Biologische Station Neusiedler See, Illmitz)

Name: Land Burgenland - Abteilung 4-III, (Biologische Station Neusiedler See, Illmitz)

Address: Europaplatz 1., 7000 Eisenstadt, Austria

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 350 000.00

ERDF budget: EUR 297 500.00

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Development of the ecological network of wet habitats in the Austro-Hungarian border region
Project name (DE): Entwicklung des ökologischen Netzwerks der Feuchtlebensräume in der österreichisch-ungarischen Grenzregion
Project name (HU): Vizes élőhelyek ökológiai hálózatának fejlesztése az osztrák-magyar határrégióban

Project acronym: WeCon

Project start date: 2018-01-01

Project end date: 2021-05-31

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 1 144 175.30

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 972 549.00

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 972 549.00.

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Austria - Hungary

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

61 / 61 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

244 / 244 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Fields project name (from 43 projects) translated from German into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields do not include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: AgriNatur AT-HU, border(hi)stories, CEPI, CODES AT-HU, ConnReg AT-HU, EDLRIS, ENARIS, Fairwork, HEAL NOW, IMPROVE!, Joint Ambrosia Action, PLATFORM, REBEN, REIN-Forest, SAM, SMART-Pannonia, SMART-UP and WomEn-Puls.