Date of latest update: 2023-03-07


Description (NL): Read more
Description (EN): Read more
Achievements (NL): Read more
Achievements (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Improving the match between supply and demand in the cross border labor market in order to better exploit the labor potential
Thematic Objective: (08) promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by:
Investment Priority: (08 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility, joint local employment initiatives, information and advisory services and joint training

Partners (6)

Lead Partner: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Address: CBS-weg 11, 6412 EX Heerlen, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 1 606 873.16

ERDF budget: EUR 803 436.58

ZB| Planbureau en Bibliotheek van Zeeland

Name: ZB| Planbureau en Bibliotheek van Zeeland

Address: Postbus 8004, 4330 EA Middelburg, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 72 979.36

ERDF budget: EUR 36 489.68

Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB)

Name: Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB)

Address: Keizerslaan 11, 1000 Brussel, Belgium

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 187 693.75

ERDF budget: EUR 93 846.88

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Name: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Address: Den Dolech 2, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 235 808.06

ERDF budget: EUR 117 904.03

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Name: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Address: Naamsestraat 61 bus 3551, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 215 072.02

ERDF budget: EUR 107 536.01

Brainport Development NV

Name: Brainport Development NV

Address: Achtseweg Zuid 159H, 5651 GW Eindhoven, Netherlands

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 80 319.75

ERDF budget: EUR 40 159.88

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
ZB| Planbureau en Bibliotheek van Zeeland

Work insights

Partners and Projects info
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (VDAB)

Work insights

Partners and Projects info
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Work insights

Partners and Projects info
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Work insights

Partners and Projects info
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Work insights

Partners and Projects info
Brainport Development NV

Work insights

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (NL): Werkinzicht
Project name (EN): Work insights

Project acronym: Werkinzicht

Project start date: 2018-01-01

Project end date: 2021-11-30

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 398 746.09

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 199 373.05

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 199 373.05.


Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and

Brochures / magazines / manuals
Reacties op de projectresultaten

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source:

Publication date: 2021-12-22

Document date: 2021-11-30

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Toelichting resultaten Werkinzicht

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source:

Publication date: 2021-12-22

Document date: 2021-11-30

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Toelichting Competent en CompetentNL

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source:

Publication date: 2021-12-22

Document date: 2021-11-30

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Toelichting gebruikerstoepassingen in break-out rooms

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual

Data source:

Publication date: 2021-12-22

Document date: 2021-11-30

Languages: nl

Attachment file: Download

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Belgium - The Netherlands (Vlaanderen - Nederland)

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

94 / 94 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

1 226 / 1 226 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-04, 2023-01-12 and 2024-02-24.

Fields project name, description and achievement (from 61 projects) translated from Dutch into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: Beton naar hoogwaardig beton, Biomat, Blijf aan Z, Circulair onderhoud, CO2 voor energieopslag (EnOp), De blauwe keten, De Lerende Euregio Scheldemond, Deeldezon, Fotonica pilootlijnen, Grensinfovoorziening VL-NL, Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe, Grenzeloos Biobased Onderwijs, Intelligenter Fruit Telen, Lerend Netwerk Biobouwers, Leve(n) de Bodem, LogistiekLerenZonderGrenzen, Meer natuur voor pittig fruit, Praktijklab Corrosie&Isolatie, REVIVAK (Revival vakmanschap), Entomospeed, PV OpMaat, ENLEB, Smart tooling procesindustrie, 2B Connect, Accelerate³, AQUA-VLAN 2, BIO – HarT, CrossCare, IMPAKT!, GIST, Educavia, CrossRoads 2, IMPROVED, i-4-1-Health, DEMI MORE, Meer natuur voor pittig fruit, Train4SmartServices, Link2innovate, Nano4Sports, See2Do!, eco2eco, GrasGoed – NGAG, Growing a Green Future, SKiN-HUID, Smartsediment, Smart Services Bridge, Trans Tech Diagnostics, Triple F (Food From Food), ZORO, ZULU, Glitch, Intelligenter Fruit Telen, I-QUA, PASSAnT, RHEDCOOP, TERTS, Waterstofregio 2.0 and Werkinzicht.