Date of latest update: 2022-10-06


Description (EN): Read more
Description (DE): Read more
Description (SK): Read more
Achievements (EN): Improved institutional cooperation/strategic planning through regular coordination of regional stakeholders. Successful initiation of cross-border pilot initiatives. Durability — permanent establishment of the BAUM project service.
Achievements (DE): Verbesserte institutionelle Zusammenarbeit/strategisches Planen durch regelmäßige Abstimmung regionaler Stakeholder. Erfolgreiche Anbahnung von grenzüberschreitenden Pilotinitiativen. Dauerhaftigkeit - permanente Etablierung des BAUM Projektservices.
Expected Results (EN): Improves institutional cooperation / strategic planning through regular coordination of regional stakeholders. Successful launch of cross-border pilot initiatives. Durability - permanent establishment of the BAUM project service.
Expected Results (DE): Verbesserte institutionelle Zusammenarbeit/strategisches Planen durch regelmäßige Abstimmung regionaler Stakeholder. Erfolgreiche Anbahnung von grenzüberschreitenden Pilotinitiativen. Dauerhaftigkeit - permanente Etablierung des BAUM Projektservices.
Expected Results (SK): tri najdôležitejšie výsledky projektu: -lepšia inštitucionálna spolupráca / strategické plánovanie pravidelnou koordináciou regionálnych aktérov. -úspešná príprava cezhraničných pilotných iniciatív. -trvalosť – stále etablovanie projektových služieb BAUM.

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Strengthen the institutional cooperation
Thematic Objective: Read more
Investment Priority: (11 ETC) ETC specific, for cross-border cooperation: enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions

Partners (3)

Lead Partner: Hlavné mesto SR Bratislava / Hauptstadt der Slowakischen Republik Bratislava

Address: Primaciálne námestie 1, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 254 318.00

ERDF budget: EUR 216 170.30

Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH

Name: Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH

Address: Marktstraße 3, 7000 Eisenstadt, Austria

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 87 775.00

ERDF budget: EUR 74 608.75


Name: NÖ.Regional.GmbH

Address: Josefstraße 46a/5, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria

Legal status: public

Total budget: EUR 332 134.00

ERDF budget: EUR 282 313.89

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH

Bratislava region management 2020

Partners and Projects info
Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Bratislava region management 2020
Project name (DE): Bratislava Umland Management 2020
Project name (SK): Bratislava územný manažment 2020

Project acronym: BAUM2020

Project start date: 2017-03-01

Project end date: 2020-06-30

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 674 227.00

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 573 092.94

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 573 092.94.


Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and

Správa o činnosti 10/2020 - 06/2021

Attachment type: file

Type of document: Report

Data source:

Publication date: 2023-12-09

Document date: 2021-07-31

Languages: sl

Attachment file: Download

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Slovakia - Austria

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

50 / 50 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

201 / 201 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Fields project name, description and achievement (from 28 projects) translated from German into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields do not include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: 3E Morava Nature, Alpen Karpaten Fluss Korridor, B4B, BIG SK-AT, Bluehlinge, CAA, CAPSID, City Nature, ConnReg, Design & Innovation, DiviTV, Dream SK-AT, Heritage SK-AT, Kultúra a príroda na Zelenom páse / Kultur und Natur am Grünen Band, NAREG, NatureTourNet, NemoNet, Nutriaging, PlasticFreeDanube, ProDam, RoboCoop and Treasures.